Will you use android 2.2 beta 1 as your primary OS at i8000?

Thursday, 28 April 2011

How to install Android 2.2 on i8000 My Storage (安裝Android 2.2 在I8000 內置儲存教程)

Before you go on, make sure you have downloaded the files below.

Please remember, for safety reasons, backup all your data first before you go through this.

Android 2.2 download link:

New 2D/3D library (You need to download a new 2D/3D library for Android 2.2 or you will get into a loop said "request_suspend_state: wakeup " when installing Android 2.2)

We are going to do this in linux. Therefore, either you got a Linux machine or you can install a Linux in VMware. In this tutorial, I will show you how to do it in VMware. First, unzip the "froyo_beta1_1024.zip" and copy "o2b3update.tar.gz" to "My Storage" on you mobile.

Copy ext4.tar.gz and o2b3update.tar.gz from my storage to ubuntu Desktop.
Then follow the video below.

If you don't get the right name for the boot partition in startup.txt. Your phone with stop at the screen below when you run haret.exe.

Now you can get the name and change it in startup.txt. ALL DONE and you should be able to boot in android which is installed on your internal storage.

FEEL the Difference from install on SD card!!!!!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

I8000 Froyo android 2.2 beta1 Battery draining very quickly ( 電力消耗異常快)

I am testing Froyo andriod 2.2 on my I8000 phone for the last few days n very satisfied with its performance. Although the bluebooth function is still not working, everything else seems working fine expect the battery. My battery is draining very quickly even when the phone is on sleep mode. (And u can also feel that the temperature of your phone running android is higher then running WM ) I checked the "battery use" option on my phone and realized a process called "cell standby" use a lots of power whenever the phone is on normal or sleep mode. Did some search on google, I found that it could be caused by the high level of signal strength of the phone.

Someone suggest the following method to fix that and it work for me. Not only make the battery last longer, but also reduce the temperature of my phone as well. So I posted it here.

原來的時候 (Before applying the method) 設定完之後 (After applying the method)

Tried the 'Airplane Mode' workaround/trick?

1.Activate 'Airplane mode' on the phone.
2.Wait and let it go to sleep of its own accord.(it will take around 1min to get into sleep mode)
3.Wake up the phone after a short while and deactivate Airplane mode'

Someone said there I8000 android can last for up to 48 hours without charging. However,in my experience, I can only last 7 hours with 3G connection on. If you know anything about extend the battery life. Please let me KNOW!


在Samsung I8000 試用了 Froyo andriod 2.2幾天 . 感覺非常好. 除了BLUETOOTH 不能用. 其它的功能大致上OK. 但唯獨有一個問題困擾我, 就是電池消耗異常快. 1-2小時之內電池就耗盡(即使處於待機模式也是). 電話機身的溫度亦明顯比運行WM 的時候為高. 我查看電話的 "battery use"選項, 發現cell standby 的用電量比其它一個都要高很多.  GOOGLE 了一下之後, 發覺原因可能是它的signal strength 一直處於高的狀態, 從而導致使用過多的電量.

減低cell standby 用電量的方法, 可以嘗試以下步驟:
1.啟用 "Airplane mode" (即使讓電話不使用任何3G/WIFI)
2.等待電話自己進入待機. (太約等一分鐘就會進入待機模式, 然後再等多30秒)
3. 開啟電話, 禁用 "Airplane mode".

完成以上步驟之後, 你會發覺cell standby 的用電量明顯少了很多. 機身溫度也沒那麼高.

有人說可以持續使用I8000 ANDRIOD 48小時不用充電. 但是我試過在3G MODE 最多只有7小時便沒有電. 如果你知道有什麼可以延長電池壽命的方法, 請告訴我. THX!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Strongly recommended Install android 2.2 on I8000 my storage

Strongly recommended Do Not install the android on you SD card. Instead, install on my storage!

I got a few problems when I installed android on my SD card:
1. SD card is getting too hot.
2. The apps are running slower.
3. Hard to wake up from sleep.  (average waiting time more then 10 sec)
4. Most important!  WiFi is very very very slow.

All the above problems seem to be solved if you install android on my storage!

Good Luck!

My tutorial on how to install android on I8000 internal storage: http://jerrytech2468.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-install-android-22-on-i8000-my.html

Or You can read the instruction on the other website if you want: http://www.modaco.com/content-page/322429/android-on-omnia-ii-i8000-18-04-2011/page/740/#entry1572487


強烈建議安裝Android在my storage, 不要安裝在SD CARD!

實際測試中安裝在SD CARD 會有以下幾點問題:
1. SD CARD 很熱
2. 程式開啟慢
3. 在待機回到正常模式的時候要等很久 (可能要等10秒)
4. WiFi 速度很慢(據說是因為WIFI 和SD CARD 相沖)

只要把android 安裝在my storage, 問題基本上解決.

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3foGgYTPv4

I8000 安裝在內置儲存教程: http://jerrytech2468.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-install-android-22-on-i8000-my.html

有興趣亦可參考其它文章: http://www.modaco.com/content-page/322429/android-on-omnia-ii-i8000-18-04-2011/page/740/#entry1572487

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Samsung omniaII i8000 Froyo android 2.2 beta1 (Updated 18-04-2011)

The new Froyo android 2.2 has been released for I8000! It is much faster and stable then 2.1.

Android 2.2 download link:

New 2D/3D library (You need to download a new 2D/3D library for Android 2.2 or you will get into a loop said "request_suspend_state: wakeup " when installing Android 2.2)

Froyo beta1 working things are:
  • Phone
  • WiFi
  • GPS
  • Data connections (GPRS)
  • Sensors (not everything is working: accelerometer can work, but compass not)
  • 2D/3D (Samsung not allowed to us to distribute the 2D/3D library binaries, so they are not included in the image).
  • MP4/3GP movie play (camera hardware button doesn't work yet)
  • Camera in photo (up to 5MP) and movie recording mode (it's still not 480p, but works)
Note: There is still error, when within telephone conversation in approx.30 seconds the LCD blanks but also the sound muted - UNTIL NOT SOLVE, please use the Call Light or KeepScreen application from Market!!! Note2: If You have problems with registering via Google use following workaround: open Youtube app and login there with google account. Note3: Changed button mapping: Cube -> Menu, Lock -> Back, Back key -> Home, Hang-up -> Sleep/Hang-up/Wake, Camera -> not used. Note3: Updates have now prefix o2b3update.{tar.gz|sh}.

TUTORIALS from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1040025


1. Clean out SD card using Settings> Memory Settings> Storage Card > Format in WinMo mode.
2. Download Froyo Beta 1 .
3. After finish, unrar it.
4. Download 2D/3D libraries files provided above.
5. Make sure that it was renamed to o2b3update.tar.gz
6. Placed the o2beta folder, ext4.tar.gz, haret.exe, startup.txt, zImage and o2b3update.tar.gz in root of My Storage.
7. Run haret.exe from My Storage> o2beta folder.
8. After auto-reboot to Win Mo, start haret.exe from root of My Storage.

*It will freeze at the Android bootup screen for a moment...please be patient.
*Some keymapping has changed:
Lock/ Turn off Android ------> Changed to Call End button
Back/ Return key------------> Changed to the default Lock key
Home Key ------------------> Set to the Back button (above Camera button)
*Camera is working now

PS:The wifi connect seems very slow when I am using it to surf internet to download apps. Anyone else has the same problem?


新的ANDROID 2.2 BETA 已經出來了, 比2.1 版本快和穩定很多.

Android 2.2 下載地址

新的2D/3D SAMSUNG Library (一定要下載新的LIBRARY, 不然在安裝時會出現問題)

  • Phone
  • WiFi
  • GPS
  • Data connections (GPRS)
  • Sensors (not everything is working: accelerometer can work, but compass not)
  • 2D/3D (Samsung not allowed to us to distribute the 2D/3D library binaries, so they are not included in the image).
  • MP4/3GP movie play (camera hardware button doesn't work yet)
  • Camera in photo (up to 5MP) and movie recording mode (it's still not 480p, but works)

WIFI好像很慢的感覺, 不知大家有沒有同樣的問題?

Friday, 25 March 2011

在 samsung i8000 安裝 android 2.1 beta2 (Update 25/03/2011)

各位正在使用I8000的朋友, 想必有同一個感受, 就是WM 6.5 系統太慢, 支持的軟件又太少, 連現在很多朋友都在使用的WHATSAPP 都支持不了. 眼看其它moblie system 好像iOS4, android, 他們發展一日千里, 我真找不到其它理由繼續用WM 的系統, 但是要安裝其它系統在電話上又談何容易, 很多原有電話的硬件驅動只支援原來的系統(我們這裏就是WM).

那就真的沒有辨法, 只能繼續用這個不好用的WM?  並不完全是.

通過GOOGLE的搜尋, 我找到了一個外國發展團隊的網頁.
這個團隊的發展目標就是希望能將android 這個系統完美的在 I8000 和其它系列的手機中運行.雖然他們仍然處於發展中的階段, 但現在已經來到beta 2, 支援的硬件功能更多, 系統比之前的beta 更要穩定一些.  有趣想試其它系統的朋友不況試一下.

  • Phone
  • WiFi
  • GPS
  • FM Radio
  • Market
  • Data connections (GPRS)
  • Sensors (only proximity sensor not yet)
  • 2D/3D (Samsung not allowed to us to distribute the 2D/3D library binaries, so they are not included in the image).
  • Bluetooth
  • Camera (there are some works to be done)

I8000 Android Beta 2 (beta2_1024.zip)下載地址:

Samsung 2D/3D Library:

  把電話連接到電腦, 你會看到我的電腦裏多了一個像電話的圖示, 點它後你會看到如下的圖,   下載beta2_1024.zip, 然後解壓縮到 my storage 裏面

你會看到新增了 5個文件(紅色圈部分為解壓縮後得到的文件):

除了解壓 beta2_1024.zip外, 也要把上面的Samsung 2D/3D Library 下載下來, 然後一樣放到MY STORAGE 下面. 所以總共你是有6個新的文件在My storage 下面. 

然後打開你的電話, 移動到my storage 的目錄, 再進入o2beta 文件夾,  運行herat.exe. (請在此前備分好你記憶卡裏面的所有檔案). 運行herat.exe後, 它會自動劃分你記憶卡裏面1GB 的記憶體作為系統分區. (這分區WINDOWS 下是看不到).  然後將ANDROID 的系統安裝在裏面.  雖然劃分新分區不會對你原來記憶卡裏面的資料有影響, 不過還是建議先備份, 以免遺失.

你會看見一個黑色的畫面,然後有很多類此指令的東西不斷出現. 請耐心等待直到它自己重新開機(運行安裝ANDROID 程序非常耗電, 建議插著充電器.)

重新開機後, 再進入my storage 下面, 運行herat.exe. (這個跟o2beta 裏的雖然是同一個名子, 但是不同的)

耐心等待後你會看見ANDROID 的字樣出現, 然後就可以使用ANDROID了!! 雖然android 系統有時會出現程序無法回應, 但是只要強制關閉就何以.

這個安裝方法既可以嘗試用到ANDROID 的系統, 而且又不會對原來的WM 有任何影響. 有興趣的朋友不況安裝一下.

其它有用的網頁: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=918778