Will you use android 2.2 beta 1 as your primary OS at i8000?

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Strongly recommended Install android 2.2 on I8000 my storage

Strongly recommended Do Not install the android on you SD card. Instead, install on my storage!

I got a few problems when I installed android on my SD card:
1. SD card is getting too hot.
2. The apps are running slower.
3. Hard to wake up from sleep.  (average waiting time more then 10 sec)
4. Most important!  WiFi is very very very slow.

All the above problems seem to be solved if you install android on my storage!

Good Luck!

My tutorial on how to install android on I8000 internal storage: http://jerrytech2468.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-install-android-22-on-i8000-my.html

Or You can read the instruction on the other website if you want: http://www.modaco.com/content-page/322429/android-on-omnia-ii-i8000-18-04-2011/page/740/#entry1572487


強烈建議安裝Android在my storage, 不要安裝在SD CARD!

實際測試中安裝在SD CARD 會有以下幾點問題:
1. SD CARD 很熱
2. 程式開啟慢
3. 在待機回到正常模式的時候要等很久 (可能要等10秒)
4. WiFi 速度很慢(據說是因為WIFI 和SD CARD 相沖)

只要把android 安裝在my storage, 問題基本上解決.

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3foGgYTPv4

I8000 安裝在內置儲存教程: http://jerrytech2468.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-install-android-22-on-i8000-my.html

有興趣亦可參考其它文章: http://www.modaco.com/content-page/322429/android-on-omnia-ii-i8000-18-04-2011/page/740/#entry1572487


  1. 是不是只要把android 安裝左my storage 就可以解決 market,google同步 的問題??

  2. Android 未安裝在My storage 之前也有遇過, MARKET 和GOOGLE 同步很慢的問題. MARKET 下載只有幾KB = = 貌似是WIFI 的問題.

    安裝在my storage 後, 由於WIFI 的問題解決了, MARKET 和GOOGLE 現在我也沒有問題.

  3. hi, in your video, you wake the phone by using the button at the side instead of the power/end call button, how did you do that ? thanks.

  4. Hello mate, actually, I didn't. I just wake up the phone by pressing the power/end call button. I pressed the side key by mistake. I am not sure whether there is a way to change the key map. If there is a solution, I will post it on my blog. :)

  5. do i need to rename my ext4.tar to ext4.tar.gz or ext4.gz ?
