Please remember, for safety reasons, backup all your data first before you go through this.
Android 2.2 download link:
New 2D/3D library (You need to download a new 2D/3D library for Android 2.2 or you will get into a loop said "request_suspend_state: wakeup " when installing Android 2.2)
We are going to do this in linux. Therefore, either you got a Linux machine or you can install a Linux in VMware. In this tutorial, I will show you how to do it in VMware. First, unzip the "" and copy "o2b3update.tar.gz" to "My Storage" on you mobile.
Copy ext4.tar.gz and o2b3update.tar.gz from my storage to ubuntu Desktop.
Then follow the video below.
If you don't get the right name for the boot partition in startup.txt. Your phone with stop at the screen below when you run haret.exe.
Now you can get the name and change it in startup.txt. ALL DONE and you should be able to boot in android which is installed on your internal storage.
FEEL the Difference from install on SD card!!!!!